January 2024


(1) an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements

(2) to draw (a geometrical figure) with suitable instruments and under specified conditions

(3) to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements


Construct # 366

Palette: Terror

Shape: Triangle

Noise Scale: Smooth

Spacing: Standard

Size: Pico

Shadow: False

Signature: True

Construct #480

Palette: Chill

Shape: Circle

Noise Scale: Sporadic

Spacing: Tight

Size: Nano

Shadow: True

Construct #116

Palette: Chromatic

Shape: Circle

Noise Scale: Sporadic

Spacing: Vaccuous

Size: Gargantuan

Shadow: False

Signature: True

Constructs are a long form generative art collection in p5.js utilizing a shape constrained flow field technique in combination with carefully chosen color palettes to produce unique, visually appealing compositions.

The inspiration for constructs came from a mushroom trip in which I pondered the composition of the natural world. How atoms comprise molecules, molecules comprise entities, and entities compose the order of our universe.

The circle, being the simplest yet most mysterious shape mathematically, is used as the primary subject of Constructs.

Constructs are composed of 7 primary attributes: Palette, Shape, Noise Scale, Spacing, Size, Shadow, and Signature.

There are 23 different named palettes utilized in Constructs, they range from as few as 5 colors to as many as 10.

The exterior circular shape of a Construct can be composed from circles, triangles, or rectangles. This is represented by the Shape attribute.

The Noise Scale attribute controls the angle of rotation upon which the individual elements of a construct are rotated as they are drawn via the main loop. Rather than be random, the Noise Scale attribute has defaults that are selected by a weighted probability distribution algorithm. The possible Noise Scale presets are Smooth, Standard, Sporadic, and Chaotic.

The Spacing attribute governs the distance between each individual element (and therefore the number of them) on the canvas. There are 6 possible spacing attributes: Clustered, Tight, Standard, Sparse, Barren, and Vaccuous.

The Size attribute determines the overall size of the circle which the construct is enclosed in. There are 5 possible values: Pico, Nano, Standard, Large, and Gargantuan.

The Shadow attribute is fairly self explanatory. It is a boolean value represented by True or False.

Similarly, the final value, Signature is also a boolean value that is represented by the presence of a black or white signature at the bottom of the instance.

Constructs were minted on the Solana blockchain as a free mint on 1/26/2024.

They are available on both Tensor and Magic Eden at the links below.

Tensor: https://www.tensor.trade/trade/constructs_by_rootslashbin
Magic Eden: https://magiceden.io/marketplace/constructs-by-rootslashbin

Construct # 74

Palette: Chromatic

Shape: Rectangle

Noise Scale: Smooth

Spacing: Barren

Size: Gargantuan

Shadow: False




Early Work / Experiments